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Ho Tseba ka ho Fetoha ha HB171C Basalt Fiber in Friction and Road Applications


Ho Tseba ka ho Fetoha ha HB171C Basalt Fiber in Friction and Road Applications


Basalt fiber, haholo-holoHB171C , e 'nile ea atleha liindastering tse fapa-fapaneng ka lebaka la thepa ea eona e ikhethang le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo. Ha ho tluoa tabeng ea likhohlano le mekhoa ea litsela, mofuta o tsoelang pele o chohiloeng oa HB171C basalt fiber e ipakile e le ntho e fetolang papali.

Lisebelisoa tsa friction li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho netefatsa polokeho le ts'ebetso ea likoloi, mechini le lisebelisoa. Ho kenyelletsoa ha HB171C basalt fiber linthong tse hohlang ho bontšitse ntlafatso e tsotehang mabapi le ho tšoarella, ho hanyetsa mocheso, le ts'ebetso ka kakaretso. Matla a eona a phahameng a ho tsieleha le ho hana ho roala ho e etsa hore e be sesebelisoa se matlafatsang bakeng sa lihlahisoa tsa likhohlano tse kang li-brake pads, li-clutch le likarolo tse ling moo khohlano e leng ntho ea bohlokoa haholo.

Kahong ea litsela le tlhokomelong, tšebeliso ea HB171C basalt fiber le eona e bontšitse melemo e mengata. Ho eketsoa ha fiber ea basalt e sa khaotseng ka har'a metsoako ea asphalt ho matlafatsa matla le ho tšoarella ha tsela e katiloeng. Sena se fella ka ho fokotseha hoa ho phunyeha, ho ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ho rutting, le ho eketsa nako ea bophelo ea holim'a tsela. Ho feta moo, tšebeliso ea fiber ea basalt kahong ea litsela e kenya letsoho ho ts'ebetsong ea mekhoa e tsitsitseng le e ntle ea tikoloho, kaha ke thepa ea tlhaho le e ka sebelisoang hape.

Motsoako o ikhethang oa thepa ho HB171C basalt fiber, ho kenyeletsoa khanyetso ea eona e phahameng ea lik'hemik'hale le ho monya metsi a tlase, e etsa hore e be khetho e ntle bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse maemong a thata le maemo a leholimo a feteletseng. Sena se etsa hore e tšoanelehe ka ho khetheha bakeng sa likhohlano le lits'ebetso tsa litsela moo ts'ebetso tlas'a maemo a thata e leng bohlokoa.

Ntle le thepa ea eona ea mochini, HB171C basalt fiber e boetse e fana ka melemo ho latela theko e tlase le boiketlo ba ts'ebetso. Ho lumellana ha eona le litsamaiso tse fapaneng tsa resin le lits'ebetso tsa tlhahiso ho e etsa khetho e feto-fetohang le e sebetsang bakeng sa bahlahisi le baenjiniere ba batlang ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea likhohlano le lihlahisoa tsa litsela.

Ha tlhokahalo ea ts'ebetso e phahameng, lisebelisoa tse tšoarellang li ntse li hola, HB171C basalt fiber ka sebopeho sa eona se sa khaotseng se choriloe e ikemiselitse ho bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho bopeng bokamoso ba likhohlano le ts'ebeliso ea litsela. Bokhoni ba eona ba ho ntlafatsa polokeho, ho tšoarella, le phello ea tikoloho bo etsa hore e be khetho e matla bakeng sa liindasteri tse batlang litharollo tse ncha.

Qetellong, tšebeliso eaHB171C fiber ea basalt ka mokhoa o sa khaotseng o chohiloeng e fana ka menyetla e mengata ea ho ntlafatsa thepa ea likhohlano le kaho ea litsela. Mehaho ea eona e tsotehang le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo ho e beha e le letlotlo la bohlokoa molemong oa ho boloka litšebeletso tsa motheo tse sireletsehileng, tse tšoarellang le tse tšoarellang.

Jiangxi Hebang Fiber Co., Ltd.